
The name for this blog comes from the Hebrew word merchab. Merchab is a masculine noun that appears most often in the Psalms of the Hebrew Scriptures. It means a broad or roomy place, an expansive place, a wide place. Read more...

April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Today is the day when words sound utterly trite.

Today is the day when the explosion of mystery unravels every category of thought. It is impossible to begin even to think about this day. Today is the day that pries open our hearts to something deeper than the mind can conceive. Today is the day that asks of us only the glad surrender of faith.
Today is the day when the axis of the earth shifts back to its original design. Today is the day that sets human history spinning in the direction of life. Today is the day when the cracks that have fractured the human condition, soften toward healing.

Today is the day, against all expectation, when innumerable particles of light pierce the horizon in the distance. Today is the day when, without even the support of our hopes, the light grows brighter, pushing back the darkness that has wrapped the earth.

Today is the day when a woman carries precious impossible news. Today is the day when dead hearts are revived through no conceivable power of their own. Today is the day we see that the heartbeat of the universe is the power of love.

Today is the day when life breaks through stone tombs and wooden doors. Barriers are no longer necessary. Fear fades as the light of this new day begins to dawn. Today is the day we meet without any need for self-constructed safety.

Today is the day that dawns in every newborn infant's cry. Today is the day that surprises the air with the sweet fragrance of spring. Creation breathes again. Life stirs into action.

Today is the day if we stay awake we see that the deep purity at the heart of life is not extinguished. Violent voices do not have the final word. The failure we feared has turned to victory. Shame has shed its filthy mantle. We are newborn from this day. Everything begins afresh.

Today is the day surprising shoots of light escape through the cracks in our hearts. Today is the day we awaken in the dawn that restores the fullness of life to all of creation.

1 comment:

Rob H said...

Today is a day of New Life where we see the birth of flowers , man and beast. We see Joy , we have traditions to remind us, we use eggs , butterflies as symbols of birth. In our world it is important for us to rejoice and make it known that our Christ has risen and gives us all Promise and Hope. We only have to believe in Him and remain in Faith.
Such is the promise that children believe easier than adults as they can see the mysteries of the story and understand its miracles.

Yes, He is Risen..