
The name for this blog comes from the Hebrew word merchab. Merchab is a masculine noun that appears most often in the Psalms of the Hebrew Scriptures. It means a broad or roomy place, an expansive place, a wide place. Read more...

April 5, 2010

Easter Monday

Today is the day I can choose to live in the flashing dawn of light that has arisen out of death.

Today is the day I can follow the power of love. Today is the day I can begin to trust the triumphant cry of life, “Do not be afraid.”
Today is the day I walk in the new creation that has unwound itself from the wrappings of death. Today is the day I can trust the life-giving rhythm of the universe. Everything holds. The gravity of the earth is love. The fragments have been healed. Today is the day I can live in the fullness of each moment.

Today is the day I no longer need to wrestle against the forces I so often resist. Today is the day I can surrender to the heartbeat of the universe. Today is the day I no longer need to look to myself for strength; I no longer need to avoid facing the realities of my life. Today my habitual stance of bracing against my circumstances unwinds into the willing embrace of life as it arises.

Today I can live without guilt or remorse.

Today is the day I can rest in the victory of truth, purity, and invincible innocence. There is nothing left to prove, no badge of honour left to earn. Today I can live in the deep reality of my heritage as a child of the transforming God.

Today is the day I can share in the force of love that permeates the universe. Today there are no longer any prisoners. The doors and barriers have crumbled. Today is the day I can live in the freedom and spaciousness of my nature. Today is the day I discover my true identity. I am not the bad things I have done, or that have been done to me. I am the light that breaks forth from the divine with the dawn of each new day.

Today is the day of that strength and peace no power on earth can undo. Today is the day that decides the direction of every day that follows. Today is the day I choose to walk in life.

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